Planning applications are made to Cherwell District Council which then has responsibility to ask all interested parties including neighbouring properties, the County Council and the Parish Council for their views on the development.
The Parish Council is, therefore, a consultee. The issues the Parish Council IS able to consider include:
- loss of privacy/impact on residential amenity
- overshadowing/overbearing impact
- highway safety, traffic and parking issues
- noise
- visual amenity/street scene
- wildlife
- historic buildings and conservation
- flooding
- design, and materials
- appearance of the development
- capacity of infrastructure – schools/public transport etc
Issues the Parish Council is NOT able to consider include:
- loss of view
- effect on property values
- private rights
- boundary disputes, and
- construction noise
Planning applications are considered at the next available Parish Council meeting and included on the agenda; links to the appropriate section of the CDC Planning Portal are also included on the Agenda and Minutes Section of the Website.
Earlier planning applications which are not included in the agenda sections are listed below: