The information here will be updated and added to where ever possible.
The noticeboard is on Main Street adjacent to the Lion. Villagers are welcome to put notices on the public section of the board. The Parish Council will post notice of meetings and official Council business on the left hand side.
Grit Bins
There are three grit bins in the village for the use of villagers to keep the public roads safe. These can be found in the centre of the village on Main Street opposite Church Lane and either side of the M40 bridge to the south of the village. Please note, the grit is not for personal use, but please do use it on the roads to keep the village moving!
Refuse Collection
The rubbish is collected weekly on a Wednesday, one week recycling and garden / food waste (blue and brown bins), the alternate week general rubbish (green bins). Cherwell asks that recycling is put in the blue bin loose rather than in bags in order that it can be sorted. More information can be found on Cherwell District Council’s website.
The nearest ‘tip’ for larger items can currently be found at Ardley.
Parish Defibrillator
The Parish has installed a defibrillator on the Village Hall.
20mph Zone
The Parish Council has been working with OCC Highways on a project to implement a 20mph zone throughout the village; with more information about the project on a separate page
A41 Crossing
The A41 footpath crossing has been of concern to the village for many years. More information about the project is available
Bus services changes 5th January 2021
Langford and Launton will instead be served by new routes 27 and 28 which will be under contract to the County Council using available developer funds. These services operate via London Road to Langford, and via Launton Road to Launton. The timetable is available at https://tiscon-maps-
Service H5 continues hourly to JR Hospital and Headington via Merton and Islip, offering a new service on Mondays to Saturdays. The timetables for services 29 and H5 are available at https://tiscon-maps-